
Saturday, March 28, 2015

HentaiWriter is gonna help me market my Patreon, so I can focus on developing my new free game Puzzles and Tentacles.  Right now I am considering adding mechanic like Plants vs Zombies, but we use the puzzle to spawn tentacles to fight enemies instead!  It's gonna be more work and more difficult to implement, but I think its gonna be more fun!  I am also looking for a new artist or animator, who is willing to take a share of my Patreon money instead of up front commission, if he/she is interested in taking on this journey with me ^_^

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Update tonight!

Its time!  Unfortunately the prototype is not as completed as I wish it to be.  The game is getting a little more complicated than I planned.  I apologize.  Nevertheless, I will upload it in a few hours to let you guys get a feel of the concept. 

The coding is going smooth mostly, except one bug that I couldn't find the cause and had to work around it.  The game play however need to keep revising.  The first built consisted of mere pattern recognition, and it just wasn't fun.  In the second built there were 49 puzzles and it felt a little too clustered and unnecessary.  After the size reduction, the sqaure puzzles were changed to hexagons as I need to increase the chances of connectivity, it also fitted the theme better.  But thats an after thought :P 

Right now I am working on giving purposes to the patterns, such as controlling the sex scenes on the top screen, staying alive and earning experience to level up.  And then next step is to balance the numbers when I introduce risk/rewards mechanism, which is something I think where the fun is. 

Feel free to give me some feedback~~  And from now on I am going to update more frequently, as there is no need to hide the ugliness of the unfinished game any more ^O^  That being said, in the future I want to ask which direction the public wants to go and let the project be more community driven. 

To My Patreons - Thank You for your patience and supports all these times.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Little Update

Have nothing to show for yet, but I want to give everyone some update.  Still working on the codes, I would say its about 70% done.  Of course that is only for the first prototype, as there will be a lot more tweaking through out the journey.  

My goal this month is to finish up prototype, update reward tiers on Patreon, and perhaps implement a poll section for my Patreons to decide the direction this game is gonna take. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Here wish everyone has a great holiday~~  I am on track to create a prototype for Puzzle and Tentacles, and it should be done next month.  Stay tune for some slimy, steamy, dirty, twisty puzzle game!  

Monday, December 8, 2014

I am very excited to announce that I have joined H-Bomb and his team to work on his intriguing title, Breeding Season~~  Be sure to check it out:

I am currently having fun migrating from AS2 to AS3.  Even though I prefer being low profile, but I want to say that I have been making these kind of stuff for seven years, so don't worry about me being idle.  I will always be working on something :)

I am working on my next game, "Puzzle and Tentacles":D  It would be like a transition for me to move from AS2 to AS3, something simple yet has fun game play!  More importantly, it will be FREE for everyone!  But of course, my patreons will have early access, or maybe some perks, provided people like it.  My goal is to create something fun and easy access for everyone first.  And I will be listening more closely to the community this time during the development, before I invest another thousands of hours into animation.

So don't be shy!  Tell me what do you want to see or play~~


皆さんに報告したいことがあります。私はH-Bombさんのチームと共に不思議なゲーム『Breeding Season』を開発することになりました!是非チェックしてください

現在AS2からAS3への移行を楽しんでるところです。私は大げさな作業は好きではないのですが、こういうことは7年くらいやってるのであまり活動がないように見えてもご心配なく。いつも何かやってますので。 今、次回作のゲーム『Puzzle and Tentacles』を作っています。AS2からAS3への移行ということもあって、シンプルかつ楽しいゲームになるはずです! もっと重要なのは、このゲームは全て無料だということです。ただし、私のPatreonの方はアーリーアクセスと何か特典が付くかもしれません、好評を得ればの事ですが。  私の目標はまず楽しく、誰でも簡単に遊べるゲームを作る事です。開発中はアニメに何千時間も費やす前にコミュニティーの意見にもっと耳を傾けるつもりです。

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Me not Dead~~

Sorry for not having update the blog for the longest time, mostly because I don't know if there are people reading it ~_~

I have been trying to promote my game like a pimp, but I have to say this business is not as easy as I thought it would be XD  The most input I have received is the lack of game play.  So right now I am on the fence on either diving right in to make a real game I want to make, or making an expansion for more Lily.

Meanwhile, I have found a second job(part-time) making animation for another indie dev, so that I can sustain my passion of making adultish games.  I will announce it in my next update once its confirmed.

And please feel free to post some comments !!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Got the demo size down from 100MB to 42MB.  It feels good to be slim.

And I am back to Newgrounds!  Its a place where I started and its been almost ten years.  God I feel old...  So much has changed, for good mostly.  At least the maxed file size its 20MB instead of 10MB.  Though back then you would of thought ten years from now people would be transferring GB/s , or its just me ^O^